Sunday, June 3, 2007

Nature's Gift

a perfect reflection of the almighty one,
GOD the most high, Elohim, El ELyon,
His character can be seen in the things that were created,
you cannot help but give HIM praise and worship,
for HE deserves all the glory and honour and power.
Take out time today to give thanks for the little things
and for the big things too.
God loves you, may HIS peace be with you all through this day.

This photo was taken by Benedict Akinyamoju at Ibewa, a little town in the Niger-Delta in Rivers State (On the rig site where we earn a living) I think this photo deserves an award, Hey Ben, National Geographic needs you son :-)


At June 4, 2007 7:09 PM , Blogger Blah! said...

i just dey hail, this is Ese Okurumeh btw

At August 7, 2007 11:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant Photo! Salute Ben from his brother Big Ben


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